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Tozando Nishijin Store

Located in Nishijin area where is well known as the traditional textiles. Our workshops of Bogu craftsmen and Hakama tailor are in the store. Embroidery service available.

AccessJust a 2 minute walk from the Omiya Nakadachiuri bus stop. From the Kyoto Central Station, take a bus #50, bound for the Kitano Tenmangu shrine.
Hours10:00am – 6:00pm
*Except summer holidays and New Year holidays
ProductsKendo, Aikido, Wooden Sword, Judo, Karate Goods
※ Judo and Karate goods are ordered.
Location451-1 Shinhakusuimaru-cho,
Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto 602-8205 Japan
Telephone number+81-75-432-1600

Tozando Shogoin Store

Located close to the Butokuden, one of the oldest Budo training halls in Japan.

Specialize Iaido, Aikido, and many Yoroi (Samurai armors) and antique Katana on display and for sale.

AccessJust a 2 minute walk from the Kumano-Shrine bus stop, or a 10 min walk from the Marutamachi station of the Keihan line.
Hours11:00am – 6:00pm
*Except summer holidays and New Year holidays
ProductsJapanese Swords, Antique Swords, Yoroi (Japanese Samurai Armor), Iaido, Aikido, Judo and Karate products
Location24 Entomi-cho, Shogoin, Sakyo-ku,
Kyoto 606-8323 Japan
Telephone number+81-75-762-1341